- Attempted completing HP 7 (the book) for the 3rd time. I am three chapters short and MUST read them tomorrow.
- Filed every single contact at work in my outlook contacts. No more business cards!
- Ran a 5K. First time since my surgery in 2008.
- Kept 1 job for the entire year
- Majorly ramped up my sewing biz and sold more than I ever have.
- Went to Costa Rica. Always wanted to go there.
- My sister is preggers with my nephew :)
- Went to my first drive in movie theater
- Lost my sweet grandmother, Dorothy. I miss her.
- Managed to maintain my same weight as the year before.
- Pass my interior design license exam (April '11)
- Write more love letters to my husband
- Lose 10 pounds by May.
- Read 4 good books. That might sound like nothing to you, but that is a LOT for me.
- Become an Aunt to my little nephew
- Declutter and get rid of things often
- Sew a couple dozen dresses for Ugandan Orphans
- Double my sales at Harts 'N Crafts
- Deeply study a few books of the Bible
- Travel and travel well: Crested Butte, CO; Boston, MA; and California!
- Make more time for coffee/dinner dates with friends.